Transportation Between Siwa and Cairo

The Siwa Oasis is located about 750 km from Cairo and about 320 km from Marsa Matruh. You might wonder if it’s worth it to travel this distance? The answer is: absolutely yes. Other than enjoying the beautiful nature and landscapes, there are a lot of other activities and viewpoints. But first, you have to get there.

How to Get From Siwa to Cairo

To travel between Siwa and Cairo you have several options. These are the most common ones:

1. Direct night bus from Torgoman Station, Cairo

The most common (and cheapest) mode of transportation is the night bus. You will depart from Torgoman bus station, also called Cairo Gateway Bus Station, at around 10:00 pm and arrives in Siwa at around  8 am. The whole journey can take about 10 to 12 hours. Tickets can be purchased at the main entrance of the bus station. You can take the same bus on the way back to Cairo at around 7:30 pm from the Siwa bus station.

Link to the bus station in Siwa

2. Microbus to Siwa (switch at Marsa Matrouh)

Another option is to travel to Marsa Matrouh from Giza and then change to the Micro Bus to the Siwa Oasis. The Micro Bus to Marsa Matrouh departs from Al -Remaya station, which is located in Pyramids Street, Giza. From Marsa Matrouh, you can take another Micro Bus to Siwa, which takes around 3.30 hours. The total journey takes around 8 hours.

3. By Car

The quickest way is to go by car. By car, the whole journey takes around 7 to 8 hours depending on your stops. If you have some time to spare, we recommend stopping at Marsa Matrouh, which is a beautiful coastal city on the way.

4. A (shared) minivan

If you’re with a bigger group of friends, you can also choose to go with a shared or private minivan or taxi. 

Let us know if you’d like to travel with this option, as we know several drivers who can speak Arabic, English, or Dutch.

Google Maps

* Times may be changed by the companies at any time. Please contact us if you need help with your schedule.

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